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Excessive intake of grapes is harmful

 The benefits of grapes are many and varied, but grapes may also have harms that you should know, so what are the harms of grapes? Important information and details await you in the following article:

Excessive intake of grapes is harmful

1-Grape damage:


Although allergy to grapes is not common, it is possible, as eating grapes or even touching its fruits can cause allergic reactions for some, and these may take the form of:

  • Symptoms of mild or moderate severity, such as hives and red spots on the skin.
  • Severe and severe symptoms, such as: difficulty breathing, anaphylactic shock.
Sometimes allergic reactions may appear as a reaction to some additives found on grapes or inside their fruits, such as: insecticides and mold.

   2-Kidney problems:

One of the possible harms of grapes is that eating them in excess may damage the kidneys in certain cases. Grapes contain a good amount of potassium, and excessive intake of potassium sources may cause health complications for those who already have kidney problems.

If the kidneys are so damaged that they are unable to rid the body of the excess potassium, potassium may accumulate in the body, causing complications that may be fatal.

   3-Choking hazard for children:

One of the possible harms of grapes is that eating its grapes may cause children to suffocate, especially when it is eaten by children under the age of 5 years. Slice of vegetables and fruits.

It can be difficult for children of this age to eat grapes safely, due to the small size of the grapes that can make it easier to swallow them whole, as well as the size of the grapes, which may make them able to close the airway perfectly if they are swallowed whole.

   4-Other grape damage:

  • Food poisoning: Grapes are among the most types of fruits that contain pesticide residues.
  • Weight gain: Grapes contain a high amount of calories, so eating them in excess and regularly can cause weight gain.
  • Bleeding: Grapes can increase the fluidity of the blood, which may increase the chances of bleeding or bruising in people with bleeding disorders and diseases.

2-How to avoid grape damage:

Possible grape damage can be avoided by applying the following recommendations:

  1. Eating grapes in moderate and reasonable quantities and without excessive.
  2. Avoid giving whole grapes to children under 5 years old, and make sure to chop these grapes well before feeding this category of grapes.
  3. Be sure to eat only organic grapes, that is, grapes that have not been exposed to pesticides during their cultivation or were exposed to only very small amounts of them.
  4. Consult a doctor first about the permissible dose of grapes for patients who take certain medications, such as: beta-blockers and blood thinners.
  5. Avoid eating grapes on an empty stomach if the person already has IBS.
  6. Avoid eating grapes completely by people who are allergic to it.


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