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How do you face symptoms of depression after you return to work and the end of your leave?

 During the summer vacation, one spends his time between sleeping, relaxing and exploring the picturesque areas, and then the days off are finally over, and it is time to return to work.

In fact, the hard truth is revealed when the alarm goes off early again, and all he can do is pull himself out of bed and go to work. One seems to have suffered from what is called a "post-holiday condition".

How do you face symptoms of depression after you return to work and the end of your leave?

Post-holiday depression:

Also known as 'post-holiday depression', this condition is a normal feeling that hits his heels at work after a long vacation, which has been explained by project manager at Germany's Health Consulting Institute Robin Kaufmann. 

He explained that Kaufman's clarification "Fate from vacation mode to work mode is difficult for the human body, because what's the origin of it in a relaxed position."

Bering Windmuth, director of the German Social Insurance Institute's Institute of Work and Health, the main wine is exhaustion. Explain that you have to get used to the previous sleep-wake cycle, which usually takes several days.

Back to work plan:

However, there are ways to prevent lethargy and work pressure. “When one is already stuck in a tunnel of anxiety, one cannot think of any alternatives,” Windmouth says, so he recommends that one prepare a plan for returning to work before heading off for vacation.

Kaufman recommends planning the holiday so that one can return to work midweek, allowing for a smooth return to work. Ideally, he will already have completed important projects, presentations, etc. before the holiday.

And another advice, which is: One should increase two additional days after the holiday to get away from the actual work requirements, in order to give oneself time to look at the emails that have accumulated in his absence.

He can also set up a smooth entry to work while on vacation, but Kaufman is vehemently opposed to checking emails, warning that the increasingly blurred boundary between leisure and work time is stressful.

He says that it is better to do relaxation and recharge activities, in order to be fully prepared for the tasks that await him in the workplace.

workplace culture:

Windmouth says that the companies themselves are responsible for creating a culture in the workplace in which the return from a holiday does not feel exhausted, which means - for example - not making plans to hold many meetings, as employees who have to attend meeting after meeting often do not manage to complete their work.

Kaufman hinted at another precaution that company management could take, which is to share the e-mail box during employees' holidays, so that they avoid seeing hundreds of e-mails upon their return.

But what if the nature of one's work or the company does not allow a gradual return to work after the holiday, perhaps because of strong or unexpected work pressure, or because of a lack of workers and a lack of space for slackening?

Windmouth encourages mutual appreciation, saying this makes it much easier to deal with pressure. For example, colleagues returning from vacation can tell them that it's great to be back, and that it's a big help for the team. "There is always time for words like this," Windmouth said.


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